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Testing Our Face Masks

Not all cloth masks are created equal.

In the last couple of months, you may have read articles or watched TV interviews where a few doctors gave some general and frankly, eye-popping statements that “cloth masks are little more than facial decorations.” 

However, what these doctors failed to mention is that those conclusions were based on studies which were conducted on single-layer cloth masks. Except that distinction was never made clear by any of these doctors.

So we contacted Dr. Thomas Russo, professor and Chief of Infectious Disease at the University of Buffalo, after he had clarified that in fact not all cloth masks were created equal.

He explained that some cloth masks,like ours, are far superior to others. Those cloth masks all have some common features - three layers of cotton, nose wire and insertable filters.

After learning this, we quickly had our masks' filtration independently tested by Nelson Labs, a leading global provider in laboratory testing for masks.

The results verified what we already knew - but even surprised us somewhat as well!

As it turns out, our three-layer cotton masks (with our PM 2.5 filter) block almost 99% of airborne particles, including viruses and bacteria. In fact, even without a filter, our masks still have an 84% filtration rate, far above the 40% filtration rate of the single-layer cloth masks.

These filtration rates of Beau Ties of Vermont masks are not only consistent with the CDC's recommendations, but they also have the features which the CDC states that all effective masks should have:  

- A proper fit over your nose, mouth and chin to prevent leaks;
- Multiple layers of tightly woven, breathable fabric;
- Nose wire; and
- Fabric that blocks light when held up to a bright light source.

Thank you for taking the time to read this - it's a little dry but extremely important information.

We hope everyone stays safe and we look forward to getting back to normal!