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Wondering what ties, bow ties and neckwear will look good with your new shirt? Not sure what size tie to order? Need something special – and need it in a hurry? Planning a wedding or formal event and could use some help? Having any trouble placing an order online? It's time to get in touch with us.
Our most important product has always been personal service. So when you have questions or problems (or just want to say something nice), we want to hear from you!
Here's how to contact us:
Send us an email We always do our very best to respond to every email within a few hours during the workday.
You can also call us – and talk with a real, live person – at 800-488-8437, Monday-Friday, 9am – 3:30pm ET. However, email is always quicker. On the weekends, please feel free to leave a message and we will return your call on Monday. (If you’re calling from outside the US or Canada, please dial (01) 802-231-2115)
Or if we're open, chat with us online by clicking the chat icon at the bottom right hand side of our website. If we’re not available, you can leave a note, and we’ll get back to you promptly.
Write to us – on paper, we mean – and mail it to us at
Beau Ties of Vermont
69 Industrial Avenue
Middlebury, VT 05753-1129
We WILL respond.
Come visit us in person! Okay, that might not work for everyone, but if you’re in Vermont, we’re here every weekday from 9:30am until 3:30pm, we would be delighted to see you.